Stichting Simonsfonds

The Simons Foundation Fund was set up on 18 September 1975 by the Dutch Anthropogenetic Society (NAV) with a legacy from J.E. Simons. The foundation’s aim is to encourage the study of human genetics and to promote and disseminate knowledge on hereditary diseases by sponsoring conference visits and providing financial support to young researchers for scientific visits.

The board 

Prof.dr. J.K. Ploos van Amstel (chairman/secretary) S.M. van der Maarel (treasurer)
Prof.dr. H.P.J. te Riele (vice chairman)

Within the Simons Foundation Fund Prof.dr. J.K. Ploos van Amstel and S.M. van der Maarel will represent the Dutch Society of Human Genetics and Prof.dr. H.P.J. te Riele will act as a representative of the Dutch Genetic Association.

Contact information

Please address all correspondence to:
Prof.dr. J.K. Ploos van Amstel
The Simons Foundation Fund
c/o UMC Utrecht, Dept. Genome Diagnostics
Room KC04.084.2
PO Box 85090
3508 AB Utrecht

For more information please visit the website: